The StorySeller Blog and Podcast

Advice from Jeff Bezos: How to Create a $1 Trillion Company

Written by Gibran Nicholas | Mar 9, 2023 1:24:40 PM

Did you know you could look at your Amazon account and it tells you how much money you’ve spent with Amazon since you became a member? In my case, it’s a pretty scary number! Of course, it also includes all the money my wife has spent with Amazon over the years, which is probably why that number is so large for me 😀

The point is that Amazon, one of the most valuable companies in the world, calculates the lifetime value of its clients, and does what it needs to do to unlock that lifetime value.

One of my favorite business quotes of all time is from Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon when he said this: “We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It's our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.”

So, Amazon is in the business of throwing parties for its customers! It’s focused on making every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better. That’s how Amazon unlocks the lifetime value of its clients.

Here's my ridiculous question of the day:

What can you do to make your customer experience more fun and enjoyable for your clients?