The StorySeller Blog and Podcast

Controversial Idea for Controversial Times

Written by Gibran Nicholas | Mar 23, 2023 1:05:24 PM

It's no secret that we live in extraordinarily polarizing times. As I try to make sense of everything going on in the world, I've found it useful to expose myself to ideas that are outside of my normal sphere, especially with regard to politics and religion. I highly recommend this approach because it helps us to better understand and communicate with people who have very different viewpoints than the one we have.

For example, if you’re a Republican who listens to right-wing media, you may want to try to listen to left-wing media with the purpose of understanding how the other half of the country sees things. If you’re a Democrat who listens to left-wing media, you may want to try to listen to right-wing media with the purpose of understanding how the other half of the country sees things.

Of course, it can be incredibly frustrating to listen to people spout off things that you don’t agree with. So, I wouldn’t recommend spending too much time doing this!

But digesting alternative viewpoints in small doses has really helped me to gain a better understanding of those viewpoints. It’s also helped me to formulate my own opinions and figure out a creative way of communicating with people who may not share my perspective, to begin with.

So, here's my ridiculous question of the day:

What can you do today to expose yourself to alternative viewpoints and ideas in life or business?