Do you ever have to interact with someone in your personal or professional life who's just plain annoying?
Here's the current habit loop:
- The annoying person triggers us (the trigger)
- We respond (the routine)
- We get stressed out (the result)
Instead of that habit loop, what about we try this habit loop:
- The annoying person triggers us (the trigger)
- We DON’T respond or we DELAY our response (the routine)
- We reduce our stress! (the result)
Instead of feeling like we must interact with the annoying person every time they trigger us to interact, we can change the way we respond when they try to trigger us!
Perhaps we can be unavailable except for certain periods of time during the day or during the week. Perhaps we can set boundaries on only communicating with them via email. Perhaps we only respond to them once a week or on a different cadence that makes more sense for us.
Try it out sometime, and I’m sure you’ll be impressed with the results!

Gibran Nicholas
Gibran Nicholas is the best-selling author of
The StorySeller Adventures, and the founder and CEO of Momentifi, a financial information and content marketing platform providing daily coaching and expert marketing content to thousands of housing and financial professionals. With more than ten thousand graduates, Gibran’s StorySelling coaching system creates top producers in all industries. He became a millionaire at twenty-five and lost everything two years later, only to regain it all, plus invaluable life lessons, over the next decade. He shares with you many of those lessons in his book, daily emails, blog, and weekly podcast. Gibran’s primary focus is to help you and your team use archetypes and StorySelling to stay inspired, find more meaning in your work, and grow your business. Gibran is a lifelong student of business, politics, religion, and the human experience. He lives in Alpharetta, Georgia, with his wife, Mandy, and their three children.