Check out episode #12 of The StorySeller podcast. In this episode, we take a deep dive into the Artist archetype.
The Artist:
- Values excellence and takes pleasure in creating magnificent work
- Seeks to create something of enduring value
- Likes to express artistic skill and individualism
- Fears mediocrity or poor execution
- Tends to be overly dramatic or too much of a perfectionist
Topics in this week's podcast episode include:
- How to overcome Mediocrity and Perfectionism to do your best work
- How to use the Artist archetype to grow an epic business and find more meaning in your work
You can listen to the episode here or wherever you listen to podcasts:

Gibran Nicholas
Gibran Nicholas is the best-selling author of
The StorySeller Adventures, and the founder and CEO of Momentifi, a financial information and content marketing platform providing daily coaching and expert marketing content to thousands of housing and financial professionals. With more than ten thousand graduates, Gibran’s StorySelling coaching system creates top producers in all industries. He became a millionaire at twenty-five and lost everything two years later, only to regain it all, plus invaluable life lessons, over the next decade. He shares with you many of those lessons in his book, daily emails, blog, and weekly podcast. Gibran’s primary focus is to help you and your team use archetypes and StorySelling to stay inspired, find more meaning in your work, and grow your business. Gibran is a lifelong student of business, politics, religion, and the human experience. He lives in Alpharetta, Georgia, with his wife, Mandy, and their three children.