What is the Truth? That’s the age-old question!
A few thousand years ago, Pontius Pilate asked that question when Christ was brought to him for trial. In modern days, there seem to be different versions of the Truth based on our political beliefs.
I believe modern leadership is about the ability to search for the Truth and to find the Truth, and to share the Truth with others so that they can use it to improve their lives. But how can we do this in an environment where objective Truth seems to be nonexistent?
Allow me to offer a suggestion. What if there is a version of the Truth that exists outside the Realm of our own Reality? Outside of our own perspective?
For example, there’s the old story of three blind men who were asked to describe an elephant. The first person ran their hands across the elephant’s leg and said that the elephant was like a tree. That’s because the leg felt like a tree trunk. The second person ran their hands across the elephant’s trunk and said that the elephant was like a giant snake. That’s because the trunk felt like a moving snake. The third person grabbed the elephant’s tail and said that it felt like a rope.
Which person was right? Which version of the Truth was the correct version?
The answer is that they were all True. The moral of the story is that just because something is True from our own perspective, doesn’t mean that it’s the only Truth. I’ve often thought about that parable whenever I have a disagreement with somebody. Especially if the disagreement is about politics or religion.
So here's my ridiculous question of the day:
What can we do today to learn more about someone else's Truth?