Posts about The Storyseller Daily Blog (2):

Advice from Henry Ford for Modern Entrepreneurs
Henry Ford is credited with saying, “If you think you can or if you think you can’t, you’re right.”...

When Does Time Stand Still for You?
Is there ever a time when you’re working that time seems to stand still for you?

Three Stages of the Client Experience and Why They Matter
I've found it useful to focus on these three stages of the client experience to unlock the Lifetime...

Advice from Jeff Bezos: How to Create a $1 Trillion Company
Did you know you could look at your Amazon account and it tells you how much money you’ve spent...

How to Calculate the Lifetime Value of a Client
The lifetime value of a client is when you figure out the total financial value that one client has...

Three Steps to Find a Target Market and Build a Compelling Brand
Here are three steps I've found useful in picking a target market that's currently ignored by my...

Two Ways to Have More Fun at Work
Here are two ideas I’ve implemented lately that have helped me to have more fun at work:

Four Ideas to Enjoy Your Day More
What if you could reorganize your day to the point where you spend no more than 2 hours per day...

How to Communicate with Someone Who "Doesn't Get It"
Have you ever tried to communicate with someone who just “doesn’t get it”?